Friday, July 4, 2014

Last day

We made it to our last day in Thailand. I gotta say, it's feeling pretty bittersweet right now. While I'm glad to be heading home to reclaim the comforts of my life - reliable access to relatively clean toilets with toilet paper, nice bed, clean meat and water - and while I miss my friends and family, I really do enjoy it here. If I could go back to Chiang Mai right now, I would go without any hesitation. But alas, back to the states we go, to celebrate the end of the holiday weekend. (By celebrate, of course, I mean sleep through.)

A little recap of the last few days... 

We headed from Ao Nang, Krabi back to Phuket, and nearly didn't make it due to the WORST driver in the entire country. First, we weren't told we were going to be transferring ino another van, so when we were dropped off at a little hut in a small town, we were a little annoyed. Little did we know, that would be the least of our problems. And plus, we had chickens to entertain us.

When we finally got to leave, we were packed into a van like pickles in a pickle jar - I'm talking 17 people in a 15 seat van with luggage crammed in every aisle way and free space.

This picture does it no justice. It was horrible. There was a nice couple from Saskatchewan in front of us, however, a cute Japanese baby on the van, and some spicy Brit girls in the front seat that gave our driver a little of the attitude he deserved. Here is a picture of our piece of shit, arrogant driver:

This guy was flying down the road, like most Thai driver. However, this one was texting and talking on his phone half the time! We're going through the winding, hazardous Thailand roadway system, with motorbikes aplenty and drivers who don't wear helmets, and while he is in charge with our lives, this asshole is texting! Then, as we are packed in and making our way to Phuket, this PoS stops on the side of the road at a food cart and orders himself lunch! Not 15 minutes later we stop at a gas station, not to fill up the tank, no, but so he can sit down and eat his lunch! That wasn't so bad, because it allowed us to use the bathroom, but then this guy orders an ice cream cone, and is licking away like a child while we're all fuming. We pile back into the van, and again, not 15 minutes later, we stop AGAIN so he can have the tires of the van filled with air. We get on our way, figuring surely this guy is going to take us to Phuket now, but NO! He's gotta stop for a snack this time. Now, we've taken a few van trip during our time in Thailand, and never once did a van stop for any reason, let alone 4 times!! Oh, but he wasn't done yet. When we finally get to Phuket, this PoS stops and make everyone get out of the van at a travel agency. We were told to notify the agents which hotel we were going to so the driver could drop us off at our hotels, which is the service all of us paid for. So, we all give them our intended destinations, and pile back into the van, glad to be near the end of this hell ride. He heads to the first hotel where the sassy Brits and the Japanese women with the baby were staying, then all get of, and we move on. But then, this asshole drives us to the middle of town and tells everyone to get off the van, that this was the end of the line. We all start to argue that, no, he was to take us to our respective hotels - that was why we stopped at the last stop, after all. Asshole plays dumb like he can't speak any English all of a sudden, and starts THROWING our luggage (starting with mine) out of the van onto the soaking wet cement. Oh did I mention it was raining? Yeah. So, luckily, we talk to a girl in a travel booth on the side of the road and realize our hotel is only about a 10 minute walk down the road. So, we took pictures of the PoS and his lisence plate, and intend to file a complain to someone as soon as we can figure out who. Remember that nice couple from Canada? They paid an extra 100 baht for this particular van, being assured that they would be dropped off at their hotel. So, the guy - who was about 6'7" - refused to get out of the van in protest. The driver took them to someone who could help translate, and when we crossed paths with them again further down the road, it seemed their luck was worse than ours. Their hotel was on the other side of town, not in walking distance. Ugh, I really hope they were able to get this dick to being them to their hotel, or at least near by. This was, by far, our worst experience in Thailand.

But on a lighter note, we went back to the hotel with the awesome infinity pool, and it cleared up just enough in the evening to use it. 

When we were at this hotel the first time around, we met two really friendly guys from New Zealand who urged us to check out Bangla Road, so we did that night. Wow. It's debauhery at it's finest. Strip clubs, loud music (a lot of Eminem), lady boys galore, and ping pong shows, ping pong shows, ping pong shows. Every wherewe walked down party road, we were approached by advertisers popping their lips, imitating, what I image, the ping pong ball makes during the performance. If you're not sure what a ping ping show is, you may (or may not) want to look it up. Disgusting. Needless to say, we didn't check one out. When saw our friends from New Zealand, we were informed that, while you can get in free of charge, a drink purchase is necessary, with small beers starting at 900 baht. That's about $30 for a bottle of beer. Nope.

The next morning, we flew back into Bangkok, and arrived at the nicest hotel we've stayed in the whole trip. What a pleasant way to end our trip! Melanie already described the hotel a little, but seriously, these people know hospitality! Everything about this hotel is great!

The first night we headed to the MBK market, which is bartering on the largest scale. This place was insane. Even the streets leading up to it were lined with retailers of clothing, sunglasses, purses, jewelry, and trinkets. And banana shakes.

Yesterday, the other three went to Ayutthaya, which I was really looking forward to at the beginning of this trip. However, I was feeling a little less than great yesterday, so I opted to stay at the hotel and take advantage of the sun and the pool. It was so nice to have a day of lounging around and relaxing. I really needed it after these last two weeks of go, go, go!

That night, when we were all reunited, we headed out to Khaosan Road, which is backpacker haven. It reminded me of Bangla Road in Phuket, only less dirty debauchery and more college party. (There were still ping pong shows for those who wanted it.) Pictures do no justice to the insanity that is Khaosan Road. Hooka, large beer carafes for tables to share, laughing gas balloons every 30 ft, and an average age of about 20, it was just your regular state university on steroids.

Oh, and bugs...

And the best mango sticky rice ever.

And of course, shopping and bartering. It's going to be a rough transition going home and not being able to argue for a better price. I really have fallen in love with bartering, which is probably why I have so many things I am bringing home!

Today, we relax as long as we can, pack up or things, and start on our long journey home. I'm preying that my kindle has enough juice to get me through 28 hours of travel and layovers... See you again in the states! And thanks for following us along. I'll have one or two more posts when I get home, most likely, but this blog was really fun to do for us, and I hope it was enjoyable for you, as well, reading about our thoughts and experiences 😊

-Julie, who doesn't know how she's going to fit so much stuff into so few bags...

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