Thursday, July 3, 2014

Peace out Asia

We are on our final leg of our journey. We've made it back to Bangkok. We hated the city when we first arrived two weeks ago; or maybe I should say..we didn't have a great first impression. So, we've been a bit skeptical to return. However, it has redeemed itself just a tad. Or, maybe we've become more familiar with the Thai language and culture so it's not so overwhelming. In any event, we made it to our AMAZING hotel. 
When we arrived yesterday (Tuesday) we were welcomed with towels that were soaked in lemongrass-refreshing! We also got to choose our own soap for the room! Our choices were bamboo, jasmine, lemongrass, or orchid. We sure felt like queens after some of the hotels we slept at on the islands. 
After getting comfortable in our room we ventured guessed it- food! Wee always on the hunt for some good Thai food. Believe it or not we found it at the local malls food court. It has seriously been the best Pad Thai I've had since I've been here except for the organic restaurant in Chiang Mai. 
We then decided to check out the largest shopping center called MBK. This was quite the experience. It's exactly how I pictured Asia to be. It was packed full of people weaving in and out and you could barely move. There were knock off brands of watches, shoes, bags, clothes, you name it. Street meat lined the sidewalks and the hot hot Bangkok heat and exhaust filled the air. I love/hated it. 
After shopping for hours we headed back for a much needed long sleep! 
Today (Wednesday) we decided to venture out and see ancient city ruins in Ayutthaya, just north of Bangkok. We didn't want to go through a guide so we figured out the transit system ourself and got there! It was a little sketchy at time, but I'm so proud of us for figuring it out. The ancient city is not very touristy so it was hard to navigate with very little English speakers. It was well worth it. I took a million pictures, but here's a few. 
This ancient temple, Wat Maha That was built in 1374 AD and was ruined during a war with Burma years later. The ruins are breathtaking. It's very cool to be standing amongst a piece of history. 
Now we lay by the rooftop pool relaxing and tonight we will head out to Khao San Road where the adventure will continue for one more night. 
Tattoos maybe? 

Peace, love, and elephants, 


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